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During this time of extreme confusion, fear, and unknown, there are endless questions we are seeking the answers to. As a parent, you want to properly prepare for the questions that your children will ask in order to support and assure them to the best of your ability. This preparation is crucial to your child’s understanding of the pandemic and their security within it. By providing answers based on factual information, sharing this information in a format that your child can understand, and reminding them of their safety, your child will feel heard, safe, and supported. Below, I have shared a list of questions paired with answers for you to support your preparation as the questions begin to arise from your children or teens.

It is normal and natural for children to ask many questions, as they are constantly learning and growing. In this instance, they are looking for reassurance from you as a parent in this space of unknowing. If children are experiencing heightened anxiety, they may repeat the question several times. Each child responds differently to situations so be sure to allow for them to fully express their emotions during this time. If you find your child is very stressed, it may be helpful to seek out a professional therapist for additional anxiety support. 


Questions Asked by Children and Teens

 What is Coronavirus (COVID-19)? 

The Coronavirus is an illness that can make people feel sick through various symptoms. Do you remember how the flu and a cold makes you and your friends feel? It is a very similar feeling where some people feel a bit sick and others experience a fever, a sore throat, and a cough. 

How do you catch Coronavirus (COVID-19)? 

The Coronavirus spreads just as the flu, a cold, or a cough do. If a person who has the Coronavirus sneezes or coughs, germs that are inside the body spread as tiny droplets into the surface of objects or air. This is why it is very important that we all wash our hands with soap and water and sneeze or cough into tissues. In order to further protect yourself from the germs, avoiding touching your mouth, eyes, and nose, which are places where germs can enter your body.

How did Coronavirus (COVID-19) begin?

Coronavirus began with animals at a fish market and has now traveled to humans. Our world is very interconnected, and this is what allowed for the spread of the disease amongst animals and humans.

Why does Coronavirus (COVID-19) exist now when it hasn’t before?

This is not the first time that the world has experienced a threatening outbreak like this, surfacing one day. Before COVID-19, the world experienced the SARS outbreak in 2002 that was caused by a different coronavirus. SARS was contained after a period of time, just as this will.  

Why are some people wearing masks? Do we need to wear masks? 

Many people are wearing masks in order to avoid their spread of germs through coughing or sneezing. This is a protective measure they are taking to keep us safe from catching the virus. Doctors and all medical professionals wear masks in order to have so that they can help those with the virus in every way needed. We are being asked to  wear masks so that we are not unknowingly spreading the germs or interacting with those with the germs. 

 Do we have to stay home to be safe?

We are advised to stay home to further ensure that we do not catch the virus. Some people don’t show any symptoms but may carry the virus, while others have developed severe symptoms. For our family’s safety, it is best to stay home. If at any point we leave home it’s best to take precautionary measures such as washing hands with soap and water and sneezing or coughing into tissues or into out elbow, which will help to prevent the germs from traveling to other people. Additional avoidance of touching your mouth, eyes, and nose is also advised, as these are places where the germs can enter your body.

Why are we hearing so much about Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

We are hearing lots of information regarding the Coronavirus because this virus is spreading at high speeds and affecting people all around the globe. With current levels of globalization, information spreads very easily so we are gaining updates from all affected areas. This interconnection has never been as present as it is currently and allows for increasing levels of sharing information across borders.

Can people die from Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Most people who have caught the Coronavirus have recovered in a matter of days through rest and additional medical advice. With every illness, there is the risk of critical conditions, but this is no different than the flu and like illnesses. Those who are experiencing the severest symptoms have suppressed immune systems that don’t support them in the way that yours does due to age or other personal factors. If any symptoms were to arise, we would immediately go to the doctor and receive a test in order to receive all necessary information and support.

Can we die from the Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Based on all current information and data, more than 97% of people who have gotten sick from the Coronavirus recover easily with time and rest. Very few people die based on factors such as age and immunity which threatens these same people through illnesses such as the flu. If any symptoms were to arise, we would immediately go to the doctor and receive a test in order to receive all necessary information and support.

Will my pet get the Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

There is little scientific evidence that supports the ability for the Coronavirus to affect dogs and cats at home, but the information is unknown. We have to take the same precautions to support them, as we would ourselves. We will focus on keeping our pets safe and secure just as we are. 


    As I created this list based on questions that repetitively surfaced and resonated most at the time, I would love to hear from you in your current state. Please share your own questions that you would like to support with answering, as this platform is here to serve and support you on a personalized level.